Your Erotic Menu

A Communication Exercise for Curious Couples

By Corinne Farago


Most people will understand an ‘erotic menu’ to mean the activities they engage in during sex. But if I ask a client what’s on their erotic menu, they’ll often look perplexed. They’ll start with intercourse, kissing, touching, oral sex but, after these more obvious activities, they realize their list is pretty short actually.

“I mean, how many things can two people do during sex?” Was what someone said to me a few weeks ago.

I decided to answer that question quite literally. So, I created a full-spectrum list of 186 sexual activities that range from sensual, to tantric, to romantic, to passionate, to fetish, to kinky. I called this document Your Erotic Menu. 

It teaches couples how to talk about sex with curiosity and honesty. It also introduces new ideas to add to your erotic menu from a list of activities that appeal to a large cross section of lovers.

It’s universally understood that one of the antidotes to sexual boredom is novelty. Novelty shifts our state, it engages our brain and arousal system in new ways, it also lifts the veil of familiarity and routine so we can see our partner in a new light, and a new erotic perspective. Novelty realigns our attraction to our partner and reintroduces sexual polarity back into our dynamic.

Here are some other well-recognized strategies to enliven sexual desire.

  • Introducing adventure, like learning something new, and trying new things together.
  • Expanding your awareness of human sexuality in all its vast array of tastes and preferences.
  • Coming together as a team, and proactively taking steps to improve your sex life.
  • Starting to talk about sex in a way that is curious, interested, and inviting.

After I completed this very long list of full-spectrum erotic activities I knew I couldn’t just give it to clients without making sure they knew how to use the list to actually bring about change in their sex lives.

I created a 23 page e-book that supports a couple in using the list to actually transform their relationship and shift how they talk about sex.

I laid out how to communicate their desires, curiosities and fantasies in a way that insures safe, revealing and compassionate listening.

By identifying activities that excite, or engage our imagination, and then sharing our interests with our partner, we open the door to conversations that inspire us to grow and explore beyond what is overly familiar and comfortably routine.

We begin to see sex as more than 7.5 min. end of the day stress release activity, and more of a journey with many roads to explore along the way; A journey that actually has no end-point but, rather a progression throughout the years of experimentation, exploration and continuous learning.

It’s fascinating to read through a list of 186 sexual/erotic activities. When we’re exposed to this kind of sexual diversity, we can’t help but become tolerant and supportive of tastes that fall outside of our range of interest. Together we make a diverse and beautiful rainbow of human sexual expression.

As I often say, we are no more responsible for what turns us on, than we are the color of our eyes.

Self-acceptance, acceptance of others, curiosity and consent, are all part of being a sex-positive grown-up.  There is no ‘normal’ in sexuality, therefore there’s no standard to hold ourselves or other up to.

Sex can be psychological, physical, deep, playful. It can be romantic. It can challenge our limits, and it can open our hearts. 

Sex is whatever you want it to be. How you and your partner agree to engage in sex is up to both of you, and your agreed upon guidelines.

Talking about sex with a curious mind and authentic desire, is the first step in deciding the kind of sex you want, and the role it will play in your life.

I’m looking forward to hearing how this erotic communication exercise works for you. Whether you’re dating or in a long-term relationship, talking about your sexual desires with your partner is key to being a great lover.


If you have not yet downloaded Your Erotic Menu, click here for your free gift of Your Erotic Menu for Curious Couples. As soon as you sign up for Your Erotic Menu, you’ll also have the opportunity to get my new 3 part video series where I coach you through the exercises found in Your Erotic Menu.

If you have already downloaded Your Erotic Menu, click here, and you’ll be taken directly to the new video series. These videos will inspire you to go through Your Erotic Menu all over again with your partner, as well as make Your Erotic Menu, more in-depth, more revealing, and more fun.


Enjoy this erotic communication exercise. Stretch it out over a few sittings. I have a feeling your list will be too long to fit into one evening. 

I look forward to hearing from you, my lovers.


Stay well and love deeply,



Sometimes we all need a little help with love, sex, and desire…

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Corinne Farago portrait waist up

Stay well and love deeply,


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One Comment

  1. Bill S. July 28, 2020 at 12:35 pm - Reply

    Corinne; I noticed that much of your online information is geared towards the female…. I would love to hear more about how you approach the touching, and reestablishing that sexy feeling of tease and wanting to be touched. I also would like to hear about how you direct this; Since I see you live on the West Coast, for those of us who need a person-to-person experience how do you approach that?

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