What’s Holding You Back From Love, Sex and Desire?
Hi, I’m Corinne, a Relationship and Sexual Empowerment Educator and Coach.
The biggest challenges my clients experience are mis-matched desire, loss of intimacy, and a longing for deeper erotic connection. In our work together you will learn how to break through these challenges and step into an authentic, confident and sexually empowered life.
What’s Holding You Back From Love, Sex and Desire?
Hi, I’m Corinne, a Relationship and Sexual Empowerment Educator and Coach.
The biggest challenges my clients experience are mis-matched desire, loss of intimacy, and a longing for deeper erotic connection. In our work together you will learn how to break through these challenges and step into an authentic, confident and sexually empowered life.
Download your free gift
Expand Your Erotic Menu
and Awaken Your Erotic Mind
with my Full-Spectrum Erotic Checklist and Communication Exercise for Couples. Use this powerful tool to discover, share and celebrate all of your beautiful desires.
It may be the single most impactful step you take toward your sexual evolution. (I can confidently say, your dates nights will never be the same!)
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Intimacy can be learned
Discover the Path to Passion and Connection That is Uniquely Yours
Relationship and Sexual Empowerment Coaching is for the curious at heart, the sexual adventurers, and the lovers who long for more.
Whether you’re single or partnered, sexually challenged or looking to expand your erotic menu, I will guide you in your journey toward renewed sexual confidence, deep passionate connections and the freedom of sexual expression that is uniquely yours to celebrate and share.
I invite you to schedule a free discovery call where we can talk about you, your goals, and the benefits of sex and intimacy coaching.
10 Tips For Talking To Your Partner About Sex
If you want to grow as a lover or you know your sex life could be better, talking about sex is where it all begins.
Many of us have a hard time talking about sex with our partners. We’re afraid of being judged. We don’t want to admit to having desires that may seem out of the ‘ordinary’. We don’t want to risk being embarrassed, or worse rejected.
I teach my clients how to talk about sex until it becomes as comfortable as talking about lunch.
Before you invite your partner to talk about sex, keep these 10 important ground rules in mind.
Let’s Talk About Sex
Expand Your Intimacy, and Ride the Ecstatic Energy of Sexual Polarity
Sex is physical, it’s psychological, it’s deep, it’s fun, it’s intense, it’s playful. It’s whatever you decide you want it to be. Fundamentally, it’s about relationship.
Couples who become sexual explorers together acknowledge and honor each other’s ongoing sexual evolution. They begin to see their partners with fresh eyes and renewed appreciation.
I will teach you new ways to embrace the heart, expand your intimacy, and ride the ecstatic energy of sexual polarity.
Love Notes, What Clients are saying
“Working with Corinne was a deep opening and permission to fully explore all of myself with my partner…”
“Corinne is extremely knowledgeable, deeply approachable, warm and sensitive…”
“We learned to explore boundaries, deepen our communication and enhance the play we love so much…”
“You led me to some deep, important and brilliant insights that I would never have discovered on my own…”
“I am deeply appreciative of what you are doing for me by totally realigning my mindset on sex…”
“She is a guide, a mentor and a wise woman who’s purpose is to give permission to open up and explore sex and intimacy…”
“I would just like to finally say a heartfelt thank you for all that you’ve done for me and continue to do for others…”
“Corinne helped us understand how to work with our differences with better communication, empathy and listening to each other…”
“This was the single most powerful healing activity I have ever engaged in. The benefits have endured and people who know me notice a positive change in my face and my attitude…”
My Passion Blog
Weekly Teachings to Enlighten, Awaken and Inspire
Jealousy: Taming the Beast
I consider relationship jealousy to be one of the more painful emotional challenges, regardless of your chosen relationship model. No one teaches us how to protect ourselves from the agonizing grip of jealousy. In full force jealousy is emotionally (and physically) overwhelming. It not only cuts to our deepest fear of not being loved, but on a very primal level, jealousy is a warning sign that even our physical survival may be threatened if we were to lose our partner to another.
Examine Your Core Beliefs and Reach New Levels of Intimacy
By engaging in honest self-reflection and exploring the source of our stories, we can better understand ourselves and improve relationships by approaching conversations with clarity instead of fear or judgement. By owning up to what we’re telling ourselves and actively listening to our inner dialogue, we can unravel distorted thinking and create healthier connections with those around us.
Download your free gift
Expand Your Erotic Menu
and Awaken Your Erotic Mind
with my Full-Spectrum Erotic Checklist and Communication Exercise for Couples. Use this powerful tool to discover, share and celebrate all of your beautiful desires.
It may be the single most impactful step you take toward your sexual evolution. (I can confidently say, your dates nights will never be the same!)