Sex and Intimacy Assessment
Guide and Workbook
What's stopping you from deeper sex and intimacy with your partner?

You're not alone in what you're facing right now.
In fact, on average, 2,400 people search: "relationship coach" every month, looking for help with repairing their relationships. In my work with couples, I have identified 16 primary challenges that most couples face.
Understanding these challenges, and which ones you're facing, is the first step in working through them, so you can have the relationship you desire.
Download the Sex and Intimacy Assessment to find out where you and your partner are struggling.
Then, you can start to address your challenges and experience deeper sex and intimacy with your partner.

You're not alone in what you're facing right now.
In fact, on average, 2,400 people search: "relationship coach" every month, looking for help with repairing their relationships. In my work with couples, I have identified 16 primary challenges that most couples face.
Understanding these challenges, and which ones you're facing, is the first step in working through them, so you can have the relationship you desire.
Download the Sex and Intimacy Assessment to find out where you and your partner are struggling.
Then, you can start to address your challenges and experience deeper sex and intimacy with your partner.
What's Inside?
I created this Sex and Intimacy Fulfillment Wheel to illustrate the many elements of sexuality that can hinder our pursuit of living a life of passionate and connected sexual expression.
I invite you to study the Sex and Intimacy Fulfillment Wheel and consider the 4 quadrants of learning and growing available to you and how they may relate to each other.
Quadrant One: Relationship Needs
By allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and experience empathy, we invite in intimacy and connection. These are human skills that everyone can learn, and they are the experiences that are the cornerstone of a thriving and fulfilling sex life.
Quadrant Two: Shame and Trauma
By acknowledging our own shadows we can learn to include them as part of our experience. By accepting that being human comes with being less than perfect we can learn to have compassion for ourselves and gain insight into our more shadowy parts. This kind of personal work makes you a better partner, lover and friend.
Quadrant Three: Sexual Self-Knowledge
What about your sexuality scares you? How do you overcome it to become happier with who you are and what is true for you.In public, most people present themselves as having a single sexual orientation. But privately, many of us have questions and some confusion about our own sexual/erotic preferences.
Quadrant Four: Physical Challenges
For some people, the challenges around sex are physical rather than psychological or emotional. Our bodies are the vehicles that allow us to feel sensation and pleasure. If they’re not working as they once did, our ability to enjoy sex can be impacted. And if you’re not enjoying sex, it will soon become avoided or endured without pleasure.
About the Author - Corinne Farago
As a trained relationship coach and sex coach, I teach couples how to overcome the obstacles that are holding them back in their relationships.
I’ve been coaching couples in how to heal their relationships for over a decade.
When a couple works with me, they come to realize that emotionally and sexually fulfilling relationships don’t just happen by accident. They’re built with intention, self-awareness, and practice.
Having a coach and mentor by your side is invaluable as you learn new skills and apply them to your daily lives.

Download the Sex and Intimacy Assessment to find out where you and your partner are struggling.
Then, you can start to address your challenges and experience deeper sex and intimacy with your partner.